How to pronounce and write “LanGeek” in other languages

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The name “LanGeek” can be pronounced in IPA as /ˈlænɡik/.

Pronouncing words in different languages often involves adjusting to the phonetic rules and available sounds of each language. Here’s how “LanGeek” is rendered in several languages that do not use the Latin script:


ЛанГик (LanGeek)
In Russian, “ЛанГик” captures the sounds of the English name as closely as possible, using Cyrillic script.


ЛанГік (LanHik)
Similar to Russian, the Ukrainian version “ЛанГік” uses the Cyrillic script, but with a slightly different vowel sound to better match Ukrainian phonetics.


लैनगीक (LanGeek)
In Hindi, “लैनगीक” uses the Devanagari script to approximate the pronunciation of “LanGeek.”


ΛανΓικ (LanGeek)
The Greek version “ΛανΓικ” uses the Greek script, with “Γ” representing the hard “G” sound.


לאןגיק (LanGeek)
In Hebrew, “לאןגיק” is used to phonetically match the English pronunciation.


ランギーク (Rangīku)
Japanese script uses Katakana, a syllabary for foreign words, and “ランギーク” (Rangīku) closely approximates the sound of “LanGeek.”

Chinese (Simplified)

蓝极 (Lán Jí)
Chinese characters “蓝极” approximate the sound and include meanings of “blue” and “extreme,” though the focus is on pronunciation here.


란기크 (Rangikeu)
Korean Hangul “란기크” uses syllables to closely match the English pronunciation.


แลนกีค (LaenGeek)
In Thai script, “แลนกีค” captures the sounds of “LanGeek” as accurately as possible.


لَنجِيك (Lanjeek)
Arabic script “لنجيك” is used to approximate the pronunciation of “LanGeek.”

Farsi (Persian)

لَنگیک (LanGeek)
In Persian, the script “لنگیک” uses a similar approach to Arabic to capture the phonetics of “LanGeek.”
